Day 10 
Intro to Engineering
Allen Sam
Activities 5.1, 5.2a, and 5.2b
Activity 5.1


1.      What is the difference between a circle and an ellipse?

 A circle is an ellipse but with an equal major and minor axis. An ellipse will have two focal points but in a circle the center is the focal point.

2.      What is the difference between an inscribed and a circumscribed shape?

 An inscribed shape is a shape when it is in another shape. A circumscribed shape is a shape that surrounds another shape.

3.      Why is it impossible for a triangle to contain a 180° angle?

 It is impossible for a triangle to have a 180 degree angle because This causes the other two distances in the triangle to match at the tip with interior angles of 0 degree. This forms a line instead of a triangle.

4.      How is a rhombus similar to a square?
A rhombus and a square are similar because the have congruent side lengths but a rhombus can have different angles.

5.      What is the difference between a right, acute, and obtuse triangle?
A right triangle is a triangle with a 90 degree angle, an acute triangle is a triangle with at least one angle under 90 degrees, and an obtuse triangle is a triangle that has one angle greater than 90 degrees.



1.      What is a geometric constraint?
Geometric constraint is a constant, non-numerical relationship between the parts of a geometric figure

2.      What are the different types of geometric constraints that are applied to sketches, and what are their functions?
A perpendicular constraint is a constraint that causes lines or axes of curves to meet at right angles.
A parallel constraint is two or more lines to be equidistant from each other.A tangent constraint is two arcs or a line an arc to intersect at a single pt perpendicular to the arcs radius. Coincident constraints fix two points together or fix a curve. Concentric constraints are two or more arcs or circles to share the same center pt.A Horizontal constraint causes lines to lie parallel to the X axis of the sketch. A co linear constraint is two lines or ellipse to lie along the same line.An Equal forces constraint is line segments to be the same length and arcs or circles to have the same radius. Vertical constraint causes lines to lie parallel to the Y axis of the sketch

3.      Define “tangent”.
a tangent is a place where a point on a shape and another point on a line create perpendicular lines

a.                  Sketch a line tangent to two circles.

b.      Sketch three circles such that all circles are tangent to the other two.

4.   How is a geometric constraint different from a numeric constraint?
A numeric constraint is a number value or algebraic equation that is used to control the geometric figure. A geometric constraint is a non number value is used to control the relationship of the parts to the figure.

Activity 5.2b


1.                        What advantages do CAD sketches have over freehand sketches?
 CAD sketches are very accurate in terms of dimensions and CAD models can create perfect circles. Freehand drawing for circles is very hard, so CAD modeling definitely helps make a sketch become accurate.

2.                              What disadvantages do CAD sketches have when compared to freehand sketches?
On the other hand, freehand sketches can be done anywhere, so if an idea is created a freehand sketch can be made wherever the idea is created. 

3.                              Explain the difference between the Fillet sketch tool and the Fillet placed feature.
 The fillet sketch tool is used to select whether you want a fillet or a chamfer while the fillet placed feature selects what you want to fillet.

4.                              The Fillet placed feature is used to create both a “fillet” and a “round”. Describe the difference between the two results.
 A fillet is in the interior corner of an object while a round, like it sounds, is a fillet but on an exterior corner

5.                              Could the Shell feature be used to create the opening in the Automoblox body passenger section (as in number 2 above)? Explain your answer.
The shell feature can be used to make an opening in the automoblox body passenger section if the right measurement is entered.


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